The Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Cadet Battalion is a non-profit program dedicated to guiding young adults in Palm Beach County toward career paths within the fire service. Through hands-on training, mentorship, and community engagement, we empower cadets to develop essential life skills, discipline, and leadership qualities. Our program fosters a supportive and inclusive environment, cultivating dedicated and compassionate individuals who are prepared to serve their community. Our goal is to equip cadets with the tools for success in a fulfilling career and life.
The Future Starts Here
The PBCFR Cadets have many events that we do throughout the year that can range from small gatherings at our Headquarters such as our Family Nights and the occasional party to major ones such as our Spring Break trip to Tennessee or the many competitions that we attend.

Spring Break Trip
Every year we take a week long trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Cadet Retreat
We go on a camp retreat with other cadet programs in the State

Cadet Fest
Cadet Fest is a multi-organization training session for Cadets
Chili Cookoff
Currently we are the reigning champions of best theme

Our team travels around the State competing against other programs

We have family nights as well as graduation ceremonies